DISCLAIMER - The opinions stated at BadFiction by me are mine and mine alone. The opinions stated at BadFiction by my commenters are theirs and theirs alone.
Who is behind "Bad Fiction"
I'm a Moderate gun-owner
Outside of this, I'm an IT professional, with hobbies including: historical recreation, old highways, bad movies, books, SF/F, and Lego sets. I'm also a happy parent.
I've lived outside the United States, an experience that made me proud of the strengths of my country coupled with the belief that there are other aspects that we can do better. Neither the "far-right" or the "far-left" have all the answers, and sometimes you need a clear view of the middle to pull the strengths from both sides.
I'm pro-gun rights, but do not support the NRA, as I feel they have done more to hurt responsible gun owners than anything else in the US.
My position on things like "Gay Marriage" and the like is simple - if adults in a loving relationship wish to get married, let them. My ability as a straight male to marry my partner is not threatened by allowing same-sex couples to marry.
One's religious rights end where they actively interfere with others rights. You want to believe something? Fine, but don't force others to believe likewise.
There are things that private industry do better than the government. There are things that government does better than private industry. Don't confuse the two.
The United States has given away too much of it's industrial base to other countries. Cutting the bottom line should not be done at the expense of American workers of the American economy. To believe otherwise risks a "brain drain" of a countries best and brightest.
And bad movies are fun to mock. Particularly with friends.
You can email me at [email protected]
The rules of commenting
However, I do have some rules.
1) No spam. Spam will be deleted.
2) No personal information. SSN, phone numbers, addresses, etc., will be redacted and or comments deleted.
3) No racial or sexual slurs allowed. If someone wants to be a bigot, fine. But they're gonna have to do it without their favorite slurs and insults.
4) Repeated abuse of these rules will result in your being blocked. This will take some doing, and I will warn the user repeatedly before I am forced to take this step.
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